Saturday, October 11, 2008

laughing at yourself

circa 1968
I would've rocked the 60's 'do.

The other day I went to the Yearbook Yourself site and came back with the above photo. Flipping through the years and seeing what I'd look like with an afro, horn-rimmed glasses or bad 80's hair made me laugh (and thankful that I was a teen in the 90's/2000's). I guess I see myself as a somewhat serious person. Not that I don't like to laugh and have fun, but I tend to prefer being in the background and I consider myself a quiet person. A few of my friends have told me that when they first met me they thought I was a little stand-offish. Apparently I always look pissed off when I'm not smiling.

In any case, I don't think I take myself too seriously. And if I've learned one thing from being a teacher at a high school it's that you need to laugh at yourself every now and then. If you don't, then every embarrassing moment is gonna cut you. Easier said then done when you just want to be swallowed up by the ground, but I think laughter can defuse some awkward situations. Or at least try to laugh about it the next day.

On saying that, I am always wary of people who need to act like a fool all the time to entertain people (ok, unless they are professional comedians or something), but maybe that's just because it's so far from my personality.

So, peoples, go to the site and slap on your own face in the photos and have a good laugh!


Scott said...

Oh, you should so really do your hair like that. Go on, make a fashion statement. The kids in harajuku would love it I bet! You could start a new fad!

Anonymous said...

Now that is some 60's fun! It's like Leave It To Beaver but somehow weirder!
We want more!
Lorne ^_-

Maggie said...

scott - Actually, you might be right. Those Harajuku girls would totally follow it. Unfortunately, I can't work a hairdryer and hairspray very well. Is your hair long enough to style?

Lorne - I've never seen Leave it to Beaver so I'll take your word for it! You want more? You'll get more! Keep reading :)

Anonymous said...


Maggie said...

sakura - ありがとうね!来年そうしようかな。でも髪型はまた2時間かかりそう